that means success 意味

  • そうなりゃもうしめたものだ


        in success:    in success 成功裏に せいこうりに
        success:     success n. 成功, うまくいくこと, 成果; 成功者. 【動詞+】 those who have achieved success in some walk of life ある職業で成功した人々 approach success 成功に近づく Their success seems assured. 彼らの成功は保証されているようだ
        with no success:    不成功{ふせいこう}に
        with success:    with success 首尾よく しゅびよく
        as a means of:    ~の手段{しゅだん}[方法{ほうほう}]として
        by (means of):    by (means of) に因って によって
        by means of:    by means of ことによって による 以て もって
        by no means:    by no means 真逆 まさか 決して けっして 否々 否否 いやいや
        by this means:    このようにして、この方法により
        by this means and that:    あの手この手で
        means:    means n. (1) (pl. ~) 手段, 方法; 機関. 【動詞+】 adapt one's means to one's end(s) 目的に応じて手段を変える, 人を見て法を説く. adopt some effective means 何か有効な手段を取る This afforded a means of escape. 《文語》 これによっ
        that means:    ということは、だから
        this means:    this means と言うのは というのは と言う訳だ というわけだ
        go from success to success:    トントン拍子に出世する
        a minor success:    a minor success 小成 しょうせい


  1. "that may save some annoyance" 意味
  2. "that meal really filled me up" 意味
  3. "that means" 意味
  4. "that means a saving of $1.2 million annually" 意味
  5. "that means an outlay of billions of dollars" 意味
  6. "that merely adds emphasis to the result" 意味
  7. "that message, repeated hundreds of times, is slowly getting through" 意味
  8. "that might draw a lawsuit" 意味
  9. "that mine of scientific wisdom, chamber's technical dictionary" 意味
  10. "that means a saving of $1.2 million annually" 意味
  11. "that means an outlay of billions of dollars" 意味
  12. "that merely adds emphasis to the result" 意味
  13. "that message, repeated hundreds of times, is slowly getting through" 意味

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